Title: Optical Vortex: Science and Applications


Speaker: Xiaocong Yuan

Report Time: March 23, 2023 4:00-5:00 pm

Place of the report: Conference Room 301, Physics Building

Title: Optical Vortex: Science and Applications

Report Abstract:

This presentation introduces the basic theory, scientific connotation, technical development, and corresponding applications of optical vortex (OV). The report first reviews the origin of orbital angular momentum (OAM), gives two typical optical vortices containing optical singularities: namely, orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams and cylindrical vector beams (CVBs), and introduces the correlation between them. The optical sigmoids are discovered by studying the topological optical spin distribution formed by the coupling of the transverse spin of light with the orbital angular momentum. Finally, the report introduces the applications of OV in optical tweezers, optical imaging and sensing, and optical communication.

Biography of the rapporteur:

Prof. Xiaocong Yuan, Director of Nanophotonics Research Center, Shenzhen University, Member of the Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council (2010-2025), Fellow of the Optical Society of China (FCOS), Fellow of the Optical Society of America (FOSA), Fellow of the British Physical Society (FInstP), Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (FSPIE), Co-Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Photonics" co-editor-in-chief, "Advanced Photonics Nexus" co-editor-in-chief, Guangdong "Pearl River Talents Program" the fifth batch of leading talents, Elsevier "China Highly Cited Scholar "(2021, 2022), and World's Top 2% Scientists (2021). Prof. Xiaocong Yuan has published more than 500 SCI papers on the mechanism of singularity vortex optical field modulation, orbital angular momentum multiplexing communication technology, and highly sensitive sensing imaging technology, including Science, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, etc.